English translation below​​​​​​​
Deze creatieve club mensen organiseert events voor mensen met en zonder beperking. Hun doelstelling: Possibilize inspireert en activeert om te denken en handelen in mogelijkheden, in ieder situatie. Ze zetten mensen in beweging om hun talenten te benutten en dromen waar te maken. Eén van hun wapenfeiten: grote dansfeesten voor doven, slechthorenden (en horenden) en ze doen dat internationaal.
De mensen van Possibilize zochten passende quotes en uitspraken waar ik kleurrijke illustratieve pagina's bij ontwierp. Deze pagina's zorgen voor levendigheid tussen de inspirerende verhalen.Het geheel zorgde voor een boek dat de lezer het verhaal van Possibilize door de jaren heen vertelt en je inspireert om zelf je dromen waar te maken. Of je nou wel of geen beperking hebt.
English translation
Ronald Ligtenberg wrote an inspiring book for the 10th anniversary of Skyway. I designed and made the layout. The book was immediately the starting point for the name change from Skyway to Possibilize.
This creative group of people organizes events for people with and without disabilities. Their goal: Possibilize inspires and activates to think and act in possibilities, in every situation. They set people in motion to use their talents and make dreams come true. One of their achievements: large dance parties for the deaf, hard of hearing (and hearing) and that on an international scale.
The people of Possibilize were looking for suitable quotes and sayings with which I designed colorful illustrative pages. These pages provide liveliness between the inspiring stories.
The whole resulted in a book that tells the reader the story of Possibilize over the years and inspires you to make your own dreams come true. Whether or not you have a disability.
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